Please refer to the below information to help you resolve complaints.
Making a Complaint:
- All complaints must be made in writing.
- Official complaints, re the club, are to be sent by email:
- All game, spectator, player and opposition related incidences and concerns must be respectfully raised and reported to the WBA Games Manager by your team administration immediately. Do not engage, react or act in any way that may escalate the situation.
- Any official complaints re games, officials or spectators are to be made by email:, and must be accompanied with the WBA Complaints form.
Receipt of a complaint
- All complaints external to the club will be forwarded to the Club President
- Depending on the nature of the complaint it will be addressed by the appropriate committee member.
- All complaints must be recorded, and will be held on record by Wanneroo Basketball Association.
- Complaints made and found to be of substance may be met with disciplinary action by the committee