
Winter 2023 Season

The Wanneroo Basketball Association (Home of the Wolfpack) 2023 Junior Domestic Basketball winter season will be commencing at the Start of Term 2. The Domestic Registration Day will be held on Saturday 11th March at HBF Arena Wolves Den from 9am – 11.30am.

Please see our Parent and Player Information Pack 2023

Please consider volunteering for roles at the club – Committee member – Coach or team Manager- community sport relies on community volunteers.

All teams must have a Coach


Boys to play Under 8, Under 10’s,  Under 12’s, Under 14’s, ,Under 16’s and Under 18’s  

Girls to play Under 8, Under 10’s,  Under 12’s, Under 14’s, Under 16’s and Under 18’s

Under the competition rules Clubs must sight ‘Extract of Birth Certificate’ or similar evidence of age of ALL NEW PLAYERS playing in the Wanneroo Basketball Association (Wolfpack) competition.

All children of Under 8 to Under 18s must be in their correct age group.

Please be aware the playing age group consists of two birth years, based on the calendar year.

It is not inline with school age year grouping.

The cut off dates are  January 1st to December 31st of the birth year. 

Each winter, age groups are re-adjusted, and the top aged birth year will move up into the next age group. As a result of this, on occasion players in summer teams may not be eligible to continue playing in the same age group together into the winter competition.

For example.

U/10 consist of children born 2014 & 2015 for the Winter 2023 competition that commences in April TBA

In the Winter 2024 competition , U10 will consist of 2015 and 2016 born children. 2014 birth year will move up into U12 age group and join with 2013 birth year/ and so on.

Players must be of exceptional skill level to apply to play up an age group.

We also have a WABL point system to abide by – so if your child plays WABL, their team placement and grade may be effected. 

Our registrars do their utmost to keep teams together or find the best solution possible.

For the 2023 seasons Winter/Summer the year of birth for the age groups are:

U8   – 2017-2016

U10 – 2015- 2014

U12 – 2013- 2012

U14 – 2011- 2010

U16 – 2009- 2008

U18 – 2007- 2006- must have an adult Coach/Manager


Boys:  Under 8 to Under 14 game times will be Saturdays.  Under 16 on  Friday nights, u / 18 Monday nights. Please note some u/16 games may occur on Saturday Afternoons

Girls: Under 8 to Under 14 game times will be Saturdays.  Under 16 – 18 will be on Friday nights.

All games will be played Friday Nights 5pm till 10pm and Saturdays in 50 min time-slots beginning at 8:00am with U8 games in the morning and, in general older grades in the afternoon.  

Games are played at the following venues:

HBF Arena, Craigie Leisure Centre, Mater Dai College – subject to change 

We train at different venues across the Joondalup area and it is arranged once a coach is assigned.


All players must wear plain navy blue pocket less shorts ( available from any department store, sports store, Mecca sports) To keep costs at a minimum there is no specification of socks or shoes, or jumpers. Skins and protective clothing must be black, white or skin, and team must wear the same colour. Giants merchandise is available to order once a season, notifications will be placed on the giants FB page. A playing singlet will be allocated and loaned to you from the club for the competition. This is for game wear only, and must be returned to your coach or manager or Giants uniform coordinator after your last game. $50 replacement invoices will be issued for non returned or damaged jerseys. Team jersey set sponsorship is available.. please contact the Uniform Coordinator for more info